Saturday, July 23, 2011

What is the deal with Eric Cartman's hand?

LOL saw both of these episodes. think its just cartmans brain. like when they originally revealed his father like he didnt trust the answer and always didnt trust it. you do know that the first one where they reveal his father was part of april fool joke right. the next week after that they did terrance and phillip episode when everyone wanted to know his father lol. after that they got so many angry responses and said they wouldnt do that again, lol

Narrowed down names, please help! (Long List sorry)?

For girls I like, Abi and Bayly. Boys, Hudson. Mystical Names, I like, Dash, and for Places I like Pixley Manor. :)

What should I do about my mothers kindle? (it's broken at a doctors office)?

Okay so at the doctors office my mother laid her kindle down on the table, and the nurse that works there went to hang a light scope on the hanger well she didn't hang it right and it immediately fell and messed up my mothers screen on her kindle. The doctor said that he wasn't liable for it yet, he don't have any Signs up saying he is not liable for damaged property. Help please?

Dyed my hair for the first time................?

I'm sixteen and I've never dyed my hair with permanent hair color, just temporary ones. So yesterday I decided my naturally dark brown hair with a blondish dye (Loreal Preference Excellence Cream, Dark Beige Blonde). I did this thinking that it would result in a lighter brown, but instead I got red hair. Its not really red but the roots are much lighter than the bottom of my hair and I think I look horrible. First timers mistake I guess. I was ok with it at first, but I just wanna go back to brown again. I was thinking about dying it with an temporary color from Clairol Natural Instincts, maybe a dark brown. Would my hair be ok if I did this today, since its just temporary and may not be as harmful? Thanks guys

How can I meet Stewart Copeland from The Police?

He lives in LA. I know someone who used to work for him as an assistant. I think the Police went on tour a few years ago.... I know he hates

What job position is this called?

Hey what would be the job position called if all you do is fold clothes, put away stuff, put them in a hanger, organize and make everything neat at a retail store and you dont have to be a cashier??

How come that funny comedian Greg Giraldo killed himself last year?

A number of comedians died of drug overdoses. Mitch Hedberg, John Belushi, Chris Farley, Greg Giraldo and others all died fairly young and from ODs. Why do such people who SEEM sensible succumb to reliance on drugs and then die from them?

OF move. do i drop tori hunter for....names inside?

Tori will probably come around so in all honesty I would prob just hang on to him. Victorino is probably your best bet if you are set on dropping Hunter.

Will the pint-sized Mitch Daniels have a chance? According to this, maybe not?

In a bad economy it is almost impossible for the incumbent to be reelected in any election including presidential elections. Putting random facts with no relevance together is meaningless when day to day living is becoming increasingly difficult.

Weight problems. I really would like some advice on what to do. I'm stuck. And changes need to be done fast...?

So I am a sixteen year old girl. Almost 17 and going into my senior year and my life is soon approaching. I'm and really overweight. I'm a vegaterian, I eat pretty well, if I eat fast food maybe once a month or not at all. My problem is exercise. I really need to shed alot of pounds. I used to walk around my complex, after dinner everyday. But now summer it's Sooo hot. Makes it unbareable. I dont have alot of money fir treadmills, or join a gym. But I want to make a change, I need to for my health. Diabetes, high blood pressure runs in my family. Please give me some tips.

Do you like wearing shorts, why?

I'm 14 as well and also self concious of my legs but I wear shorts alll the time and girl I flaunt em. You can't be self concious about your body, you have to believe that you are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different. You will look so much better in shorts if you wear them around like you own it! Good luck:)

Help with my sweet sixteen?

I really want to throw a fun sweet party!I only have 10 close friends that I want to invite,so I don't want to throw a party that is really fancy. I was thinking to throw the party at my house,but I am not sure if it would be fun or not for my friends. At my house we have a wii,a x-box kinetic,a ping pong table/also a pool table,an air hockey machine,and a pool (to swim in)...Do you think all those things would be fun enough for a good party?!!? ( and of course I would have food and gift bags to give out.I also need an idea for game that we all can play , because I have want to give out a prize to the winner/ top 3 winners. Any other ideas for a party that is inexpensive (up to $200 )would be great. Thanks <3

How is the beginning of my story?!?!?

After the first sentence, my seat belt was unfastened, after the second, I already jumped out of the car.

Who do I turn to for representation now the GOP and NRA are anti-gun?

turn away from the blog. it is not good for you. it is like getting all your news from wikipedia it just doesn't work.

To Wear a Dress or Not to Wear a Dress?

I think yu should definitley wear a dress . Yu don't have to have a mature face to wear a long dress . I'm 17 and my 13 year old sister looks older than me . For my prom I wore a long dress and I got a lot of compliments . And if yu don't wanna attract a lot of attention don't wear a bright color . But I believe yu can and should wear a dress , especially if yu have boobs . Loll and if yu wear heels with the long dress I'm sure you'll be able to pull ot off better . Just think that yr mainly doing it for yr mom and friend . Best of luck .! (: I'm sure you'll look beautiful .!

How to dry my AE 100% cotton cargoes?

well i have these 100% cotton cargoes and they say tumble dry low on the inner tag, and i don't want them to shrink, and my dryer doesn't have that as an option, it only has (more dry, less dry, high heat, low heat and more also fluff air but that takes to long and i really don' t want to let it dry on a hanger in the house because of the wrinkles and it can't be ironed plus my house is temporarily hot full of humidity, so what can i do to avoid shrinkage? please help.

Does this sound like stomach cancer?

I have been having acid reflux for a couple years now, but have never really done anything about it. In the past six months or so, it's only gotten worse and worse. I have reflux, indigestion, horrible stomach pains and lots of bloating (I'm skinny, but my stomach is puffy and big), loss of appetite and weight (used to eat a ton, now I never want anything), nausea and (sometimes crippling) fatigue, runny stools, and just an overall feeling of unwellness. I have this after every single time I eat and it lasts for hours and hours. I am constantly bothered by it; there's not a moment of my day where I feel "good" unless I haven't eaten anything at all... which makes my stomach burn with hunger and makes me feel sick and dizzy. I'm only sixteen, I don't know how this could be possible, but I'm very worried!

Do You Think The Spoilers Leaking Is A cover Up On What Could Really Happening?

I think the leaks about GiGi dying, that Rex, GiGi and Shane be writen off the canvas, and many other leaks are not but false leaks on what is going to happened. Do you think there could be surprise return of many characters who are not on the canvas right now to say goodbye like bringing back Mitch Lawrence and actually really kill him off and his heart will be given to Clint because of the same blood type? Cord and Tina be back, and Cutter turns out to be Clint's grandson CJ. Flash, and Kevin, cassie and Adrianna, Carlo Hesser and Alex. Rene and Charlie, and gabrial and Max, and their dead son. Luna and Lindsey, Fish and Oliver. Marcie and Michael. Antonio and Evangelien and others. It would be nice that all the cast come back to say one last goodbye before the show is off the air.

Are my braces wrong or its just me?

I think there fine and if something was wrong with them I pretty sure the Orthodontists would say something or fix it and at least thru aren't hurting anymore! Good luck braces suck!!

Was my sister wrong for snooping in my things?

Okay, so my sister and I don't get along that well and she always does things to try and get me in trouble. One time, she lied and told our mom that I was at some guy's house, even though I went to the store with my friend. She was angry at me, so she waited until I left out and then my mom calls me all frantic and telling me to come back home. When I went home that day, I didn't say anything at all because she really pissed me off. I'm 16 and she's 15. Well, today, I went to make a run and we have separate rooms, but hers is right next to mine, but I always lock my door because she tries to go in there. And she kept accusing me of moving her eyelash kit, even I keep telling her I don't know where it is. So, she always says, "well if you take my stuff, I'll just use a hanger to unlock your door". She did that today, and I came back to see my stuff out of place and my closet and stuff open. Then, I stormed out of my room and saw her sitting on her bed and I hauled my fist at her arm because I was soooooo pissed that she would do that. She starts yelling and my mom screams and tells me to come downstairs...So basically I am in trouble but she didn't do anything about her going in west Philadelphia born and raised On the playground where I spent most of my days Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys, they were up to no good Started making trouble in my neighbourhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared And said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-air" I whistled for a cab and when it came near the License plate said "fresh" and had a dice in the mirror If anything I could say that this cab was rare But I thought nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel-air! I pulled up to a house about seven or eight And I yelled to the cabby "Yo, homes smell you later!" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-air.

I want to get married so badly,am I the only one who is feeling like this?

You are very young - give yourself time to discover WHO you are before giving yourself to a marriage. The better you know yourself, and the more adventures you have as a single woman, the better the chances are that you will be able to recognize 'the one' when he comes along, and you won't have regrets that you didn't have a life of your own - away from parents - before entering a life with another human being.

How can I tell a guy I like him?

there is this guy his name is mitch and i like him and he told me ha likes me and now he wont even talk 2 me cause i didnt tell him i like him right away then he thought that i was just saying that 2 make him feel better:(

Is this child abuse???

ok so my mom is crazy, she puts me on time out instead of grounding me and im 12. except the crazy thing is that its ATLEAST 2 hours! when i was real young she used to wack me with a belt or a hanger when i was bad but when i was 9 she stopped and instead put me on like 5 hour timeouts, probaly atleast 3 times a month , USUALLY more! but when i say timeout i mean she leaves me outside of the house with nothing (sometimes i sneak my skateboard out) and i have the freedom to walk anywhere i want. its usually for really stupid reasons too, like if my posture is bad, if i break a crayon, if i use too much paper towels, if i squeeze out i little too much paint on accident. shes very chineese and cheap and she neevr waistes anything, and even when i accidentaly break a pencil she has a tuntrum. she favorites my brother, she only does this kinda stuff to him like twice a year and its never as worse. it dosnt seem like shes trying to help me become a better person. she says she dosnt want to see my face. i am sooo mad like she cant do this to me, i have 911 on my speed dial list. is this child abuse??? oh and sometimes she threatens to chop of my hands (she never does it)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Why won't my mom let me get a pet rat?

I'm a sixteen year old girl. I have two dogs, and I've had guinea pigs for a while now, but my last one just died ='(. When I first got him (as a friend for one who's friend had died), my mom said he would be my last small furry pet for a while. I agreed, but I just lost my two piggies within two months of each other, both from untreatable conditions, and I REALLY, REALLY miss them ='(. I've always taken great care of them. Our vet even said they had a job waiting for me there if I ever wanted it because she noticed my special love for animals, even though I'm not old enough to work there yet and I hadn't asked about a job. Anyway, right now I'm pet sitting for a friend who has rats, and they seem so friendly and happy and cute and playful and fun and...I could go on for hours. I love the way they climb around like little monkeys and groom my fingers when I stick them through the bars of the cage. Anyway, I really want one, but my mom won't even tell me why I can't get another pet. She said even if I wanted another guinea pig, she wouldn't let me--and believe me, she loved my old piggies. So why won't she let me get another pet? She refuses to even explain why I can't have another. All she says is that we're just done with them, and I don't understand.

Is there any doubt that the Republicans in the House just showed their PARTISANSHIP with regard to Obama today?

That is a good example. I tend to like the fact that Republicans tried to claim Obama was flip-flopping on his campaign promise to let tax cuts for top earners expire when he compromised with Republicans in order to keep tax cuts for everyone else. I think nothing shows Republican partisan hypocrisy better than when they criticize people for agreeing with Republicans.

Writing a algebraic sentence?

In writing a algebraic sentence: Mitch is buying candy bars for his friends and wants to give 2 bars to each friend and he wants to have 10 spare bars. he can afford to buy 24 candy bars. Is the correct answer 2f + 10 = 24.

If the 10 commandments and basic U.S law are pretty much identical...?

According to Joe Hovah, it's a one-size-fits-all punishment of death -- same as for picking up sticks on the Sabbath.

POLL: was my sister wrong for snooping in my things?

Okay, so my sister and I don't get along that well and she always does things to try and get me in trouble. One time, she lied and told our mom that I was at some guy's house, even though I went to the store with my friend. She was angry at me, so she waited until I left out and then my mom calls me all frantic and telling me to come back home. When I went home that day, I didn't say anything at all because she really pissed me off. I'm 16 and she's 15. Well, today, I went to make a run and we have separate rooms, but hers is right next to mine, but I always lock my door because she tries to go in there. And she kept accusing me of moving her eyelash kit, even I keep telling her I don't know where it is. So, she always says, "well if you take my stuff, I'll just use a hanger to unlock your door". She did that today, and I came back to see my stuff out of place and my closet and stuff open. Then, I stormed out of my room and saw her sitting on her bed and I hauled my fist at her arm because I was soooooo pissed that she would do that. She starts yelling and my mom screams and tells me to come downstairs...So basically I am in trouble but she didn't do anything about her going in west Philadelphia born and raised On the playground where I spent most of my days Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys, they were up to no good Started making trouble in my neighbourhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared And said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-air" I whistled for a cab and when it came near the License plate said "fresh" and had a dice in the mirror If anything I could say that this cab was rare But I thought nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel-air! I pulled up to a house about seven or eight And I yelled to the cabby "Yo, homes smell you later!" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-air.

AL All-Star votes are in right now. Is this a joke?

I agree with you 100%. This is why the fans need to stay out of the voting. There is no objectivity in the present system. It's a joke and Bud Selig needs to address the problem. Of course we all know that Selig is worthless and will turn his back on it as he has done everything else.

Why do people say that they hate thier parents ?

Your mom gave birth 2 u, and both of your parents are trying to provide 4 u, like buy you clothes, and provide shelter 4 you. I don't get it !! I mean that girl Audrey from My Super Sweet Sixteen, he mom bought her her dream car, but not on the right day. im all like WTF?! And when like a teenager for e.g gets an "ugly" shirt that her mom/dad got for her or somethin' they are all like " UGH! THIS IS UGLY! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' WTF?! i don't understand.... I <3333 my parents. there awesome :DDD

Why are Republican Senate and House leaders assuring wall street the debt ceiling will be raised at some point?

Yes it looks like the debt ceiling will be raised though I wish it wouldn't be. It is time to put an end to spending and seriously cut out waste in our government. As a republican, I'm watching our folks very carefully, if they fail to secure meaningful cuts in spending and don't take positive actions to reduce our debt, I'll be voting for a conservative that will.

GUYS HELP ME! Dose he like me?

I am not a guy but if he told your brother he likes you then he likes you. By telling your brother was a little like getting permission to go out with you. Normally brothers do not approve of their friends dating their sisters. Go for it.

China paid for the Bush Tax cuts.They fronted us the Money now Republicans threatening to Default China LMFAO!?

It's all over Fox News being promoted, it's all over the Tea party websites, it's everyone on the right, trying to pretend this is some big leftist spending spree that has to be stopped by blocking the debt limit.. The problem with this, just like the threat over a government shutdown. Is a lot of the programs we're still paying for, and will be paying for for many years to come, were programs advanced by the Bush admin.. So now, these vary programs they sold to the country, they are threatening to not pay for? Clearly this is just theater otherwise you would not have John Boehner and Mitch McConnell re-assuring USA investors like China, People who float us the Funds for stuff like THE BUSH TAX CUTS, which we're paying 50% Interest on alone!! Man how do you think China feels when they turn on the news and see John Boehner standing with the Tea party Saying they will block payment ? Man I do not think china will feel good about loaning Boehner the Cash , which I mean he's already being ripped off, 50% Interest means our credit ain't that good with china, let alone threatening not to pay them back? And these are Business people LMFAO!!! John Boehner is crazy man you have to love this theater act, I wonder how they will spin the blame back on Obama when Wall Street bottoms out again because every stock hits .000000000001 per share after every international investor extracts because we're defaulting on loans LMFAO!!!! BOEHNER

Any idea where Loyal is in Fallout: New Vegas?

After completing Volare!, Loyal has disappeared. He isn't in his home, nor is he in the hanger. I've looked all around Nellis, and he is nowhere to be found. Any help you can give is appreciated.

Did I grow too fast, is this going to be a problem?

I was just watching a TV show, and there were girls that still weren't through with puberty when they were 16, I'm going to be sixteen next month, and I'm finished growing, I haven't grown since 7th grade, I started my period around my 8th birthday, I'm still petite in the waist, but I've been in a B-cup (Yes my boobs are small, I know) , And my butt has been huge (I have a Kim Kardashian donk -____-) since 7th grade as well, I'm only 5 two and a half, and am not growing anymore, did I grow up too fast if I was already this size at 13? And haven't gown? Will this later on effect me, and is it normal?

I Need Help With Math PLEEEEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Hello student from Pennsylvania Virtual Charter School, I see you have violated school code on cheating. Your name has been taken down and your offense of cheating has been reported to the super intendant please expect to hear from us in the next twenty-four hours.

Do you have a secret lair?

there was a creek by my highschool, and it had huge tunnel/drain things that you could walk through.. it was great

Want to make a snuggle bed? Help?

A coat hanger would be perfect. Make a nice casing with a small opening and just run the bent hanger right through. Then twist the ends of the hanger together with some strong pliers. What a lucky puppy!

I need a list of objects that were designed for one purpose but can be used for something else?

A breast pump can be used as a fruit juice extractor... or nasal aspirator if you use a Victorian Style Breast Pump... and also that can be used in place of canned air for photography.

How much weight should i lose?

Weight goal should not be your priority, in fact it is irrelevant. Lose weight until you look good, and trust me beauty is how other people view you. When other people think you look good, you feel real good.

In need of some boxing help?

u also gotta do some minor weightlifting but not too much also try to see if you can get some small weights and put them in oyur hands then punch with them that will improve your punch also add your name and well see you in the hall of fame pacman also do a bit more runnin try to do it by distance not time 2 and a alf to 3 miles is good for your age.

Do i have OCD or something?

I'm not sure if i have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) or something else because i have strange symptoms that relate to OCD but they are a little different. When i walk on sidewalks and i notice the cracks in them i either have to take one step in the square sidewalk, step over the crack and then step once in the next box and so on, if i do it wrong i get a little irritated, when i walk on big tiles and i notice it i have to walk on certain color of tile that appeals to me. When i clean (i hardly do but when i do) everything has to be so perfect, my room is a huge mess but when i get around to cleaning i have to have books in alphabetical order, clothes facing the same direction on the hangers and in color patterns, things just have to be perfect, but then i get tired of cleaning and stop so nothing ever gets clean because it has to be perfect and i dont have the energy to make it perfect. Does this sound like OCD or something else?

Ten points! What is it meant by "hangers" here? Please I need your help.?

That really depends on the context - what is the subject of the website or program? And is it 'hanger' or 'hangar'? The exact spelling makes a difference, too.

I had sex with my boyfriend now he acts like a perv how do i tell him to quit it without hurting his feelings?

im 13 and he is sixteen and i love him and we plan to get married but how do i tell him to quit being a pervert without hurting his feelings

What was it like when you were fourteen?

I remembered being fourteen, considering i'm sixteen. One question i saw said that threy were turning fourteen and wanted the best birthday party ever. Well, Birthday parties were out dated for me, so i just chilled with my friend and we just chilled. Than i remembered what i did as a fourteen year old, I was drinking and smoking, what did you do? Lol

His name was mitchell...and i loved him?

facebook date until you see him again...sounds to me like this may be your soul mate the way he keeps coming back into your life. If it is meant to be it will be but don't concentrate to hard because the real mr. right might get missed too. Good Luck

Liberals, do you think this makes conservatives completely upset?

That's why Obama doesn't have to worry about 2012. As much as the economy is not doing well, GOP presidential field is so lame that Obama will win easily

What would those popular 1960's TV shows be about if they were made today ?

thats not the only difference, the new shows would be so full of crap commercials you could'nt watch any of them.

How many books are there in Alice in the Country of Hearts?

I started reading these and finished them. I thought book 5 left you at a cliff hanger there. (So many questions left not answered). Is there more to the series? Is there a book 6 and will there be more after book 6?

I'm looking for a Sound Hertz Meter/Graph?

What you're looking for is known as a spectrum analyser. The best ones are external devices but software ones using a sound card input do exist, e.g. Analyzer2000 at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why didn't he tell me he was gay?

Well, i think you should chill first off. If they want to be together, so be it. You're just going to have to deal with it. Obviously you don't want to lose your friend, or think any different about your brother. Calm down and sit them both down and talk to them. Tell them how it made you feel. Don't bring the 'rents in it. They don't need to hear about this. But just take a breather, and talk it out.

Is there REALLY only 20 episodes of '10 Things I Hate About You" ?

It was a very short show. It was new, and there wasnt that many episodes. It was a good show though. I am hoping that they air new ones again soon but I dunno.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer Reading Project Help?

Hmmmmm...I don't think it really matters what order. If I were you, I would google search reviews on the books and then I would start with the one with the worst reviews and finish off with the one with the best reviews.

Did Rush Limbaugh Destroy Mitch Daniels?

I think he did....You do know Rush has dedicated many hours of his show recently to expose Mitch for being another McCain, don`t you ? What do you think ? Do you know enough to answer ?

Pregnant teens + teen moms , help?

Okay so I'm sixteen years old and I'm 16 weeks pregnant , and I'm basically gonna be going back to school as soon as my belly is gonna be getting noticable , and from there its just gonna get bigger obv, so what kinda clothes should I wear ? Yoga pants and stuff yeah , but I still wanna dress my age and wear my old clothes and stuff , so my question is what kinda cute stuff could I get from places like victorias secret pink that will be comfortable during school while I'm 6+ months prego ? Thank youu <3

Did my aunt have the right to do this to me?

I'm 14 now but when i was 9, my aunt used to always ask my teacher if i behaved in school or not. If my teacher said i didn't, my aunt wouldn't give me anything to eat and she would hit me with a coat hanger until i cried. I would always behaved but there would be people who would blame me and then i would get hit for no reason. I thought it was unfair since I didn't do anything wrong and my aunt never asked about my brother or cousin and my grandmother would just sit there and watch me get hit. Her children are worse than me and she doesn't hit them. Could I still report her? since she made me suffer for a couple of months and now i'm still scared of her

Did you know Mitch Daniels opened a door into his own face, and got 16 stitches?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does Indiana have a lot of STDs and women's cancer because they defunded Planned Parenthood there?

It should be high. Has anybody checked this out? And they want this Mitch Daniels to be president?

Why is my sister acting so moody lately?

My 11 year old sister has always been sort of dramatic, and moody, but this summer, she has been acting more dramatic and moody then ever. She is going into middle school, so I know she is trying to fit in, and act more grown up, but its getting really annoying! Like, this morning, I was cleaning my room, and she comes in and starts messing with my make up. Nicely, I said to get out so I can finish cleaning my room. She got really mad, through all my makeup on the floor, knocked over some other stuff off my dresser, and stormed out. I am sixteen and I have never been that moody when I was her age, I have always been a pretty laid back person. She isn't about to start her period because she hasn't said anything about cramping or anything other symptoms.

What book should I read?

Tuesdays With Morrie was one of my favorites. It is so touching and deep with its character sketches. You will love Morrie. I loved it so much that I read The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Mitch Albom really has a way with story telling. Read it, you won't regret it. If it were me, I would read them all. Summer is three months long and you need something to do at the beach, right?

Will Mitch Daniels's decision not to run for president help Tim Pawlenty and/or the G0P? If so, why or why not?

no 2 it depends on what pawlenty does i would like for each of the candidates to talk about jobs and what are they going to do about this mess that we are in and less about what obama is doing.

What is Mitch Daniels' height?

He's Indiana's Governor and I know he's short (5'4" is my guess)? Anyone have the exact height?

How to achieve this hairstyle. give 20 points, yup! 20?

Go to your hairdresser and ask for a slightly shaggy cut that's completely full on the top and ask for "piecey" ends. Ask for a lot of layers on the top, so that'll give you the volume that he has. When you're getting ready, straighten your bangs if needed. Also just bring in a picture of it, so your hairdresser knows what to do as well.

Who would be the best actor to play barak hussein obama ii in a movie?

Yeah, because when I think Obama, I think Urkel. Will Smith wouldn't do a bad job. I remember reading an interview with Denzel Washington in which he said that he wanted to play Obama. And he has the perfect name for it, nyuk nyuk nyuk.

Merit termination of parole, New York?

Hi, I'm currently on parole in nys for a class b drug possession (CPCS 3rd). My merit termination date is quickly approaching, July 8th, and I'm wondering how many people are actually awarded termination on average. My P.O. has said that he's filled out the paperwork and is just waiting on the answer, I'm also wondering if I am denied is there some kind of paperwork I get saying that I'm denied? Other details: I'm a shock graduate, been out 12 months with no violations, have my own apartment, got out on a thursday and have been working since the following monday and still have the same job, received one ticket in prison (tier II for horseplay), previous charges to the cpcs 3rd are two petty larcenys received at sixteen and seventeen that resulted in fines and an unauthorized usage of a vehicle at seventeen that resulted in probation.. I'm 23 now. Thanks for any help answering my numerous inquires!

How can I unblock my toilet?

Wet wipes are the scourge of any domestic waste water plumbing system. The wipes do not dissolve or decompose like toilet tissue and once they snag on anything protruding within the pipe so screwed. The only way to clear is to rod the pipe from a suitable access point. This should be somewhere behind the toilet or sometimes access points are available externally. Let me know how you get on, I will try to advise your further if you're having a hard time.

How do I get my boyfriend to hold my hand?

I have known Mitch for 4 years, we went out in 7th grade for 2 weeks. He broke up with be because we were to young and he wasn't ready for a relationship. We never really stopped talking, he's always been my friend. Now, we just got out of 9th grade. He asked me out almost two months ago, I said yes. About 2 weeks into our relationship we held hands when we went to see a play. But we only held hands for like 2 scenes. The play was 3 hours long. Now, we are going to the movies tomorrow night and I want him to hold my hand. Or how do I hold his hand with out making it awkward? I guess.. We are each others real first boyfriend/girlfriend. What should I do?

Alamony for abuse? Advice help?

my abusive husband wants divorce. He was so abusive the 4 years of marraige he tramatized me so much he almost snapped my neck of verbally abusive choked me mulitiple times and suffocated me where i thought i was gonna die. I never worked he didnt like my friends i isolated myself he deployed and i has no one i was alone in a state with no family or any friends. He got me arrested cause i hit him with a hanger i was so tired of being treated like that but stayed cause i thought he would change. When i retaliated he will record me and show the cops tell me i have no proof and he gots proof on me. With no job or anything i wanted to know can he give me alimony? He gave me a car but im scared he might leave it out of the papers and take it back. any legal advice. He was emotionally abusive as well when i wanted to get meds he called me crazy and broke me emotionally or self confidence. he made me look like a fool like he was the inocent one to his family co workers and friends. I need advice trying to get alimony for the abuse thankyou.

I have a few questions about c&c guinea pig cages?

I have a few questions about the guinea pig c&c cages. 1. Can you use them for rabbits too? 2. I know that i need to put a top on them because i have cats but, how will i make a door to get in and out of the cage. 3. I am planing to do a 2 grid by 4 grid cage but i want to know where i can get a sheet of the coroplast (corrugated plastic) kind of cheap. 4. how can i make a hay hanger out of the grids? Thank you and if you can find out all of the questions for me than that would be a big help! :)

Opinions on a tattoo I'm going to be getting?

Get a paw tattooed with her name date you first got her and then when she passes away get the date she went to kitty heaven

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why are they mean to me?

I am a very giving and caring person and interact a lot with my Facebook friends, always liking positive status updates and giving words of encouragement and support to anyone even if I don't know them. I used to attract a few males, and the first few were married and tried to come on to me, but I deleted them. I got emotionally involved with one, while trying to work together on a social upliftment project. He started flirting with me and directly asking me to be his woman on the side! I felt offended and even though there were a bit of feelings, I refused. I then wrote some articles, and then he insulted me after writing one calling me names just because I had a balanced view of what happened. I deleted him. Many people like me because of my intelligence, insight and warm-heartedness and many people are jealous of me on Facebook, some even tried to emulate me! Some have twisted my words and created fear around me, because I always say things that are spot on. Now I have some hangers-on, but they just have low self-esteem or are guilty because deep down they are prejudice towards me, but to compensate they support me. In any case, I started a small business in the fashion industry and am promoting it on my personal profile. I set up a poll and NOT ONE female voted, even after I sent them a request to vote, so they must have seen it. One girl only later saw it. However, I don't see many of my female friends on the chat so I assume they all use their mobiles and blackberries, so maybe they don't have access to it. I just feel that apart from that there seems to be some jealousy. But I don't understand because even though I talk a lot doesn't mean I'm a loose cannon or whatever. Some new male acquaintances also give me attention sometimes but I don't ask for it. Could they be jealous and nasty or am I being paranoid?

PLEEAASSEE! help me i jammed my airsoft pistol?

My pistol is a pearl blue model desert eagle. i just used it for about 2 minitues and it jammed =/. my dad is shouting at me telling me that i shouldn't have brought it and i need help un jamming it. when ever i stick a coat hanger or a stick or a cleaning rod down the barrel with the mag out nothing happens ...i can't see the bb and it's stuck in the barrel about 3-4 of em. please help me

Am I fat at 175 cm tall and 83 kg?

Okay, I'm a sixteen year old kid and I was playing Starcraft II with my friends and we wound up playing against this team of guys who were absolute jerks and then eventually they started calling us fat. I put in my height and weight and then they started laughing and saying that was fat. I never thought myself as fat and I've never been this self conscious before, so were these guys right to think me as fat? Or were they just trying to put us down in game?

Do you like my story?

i think you can add more details. what the puppy looked like? how did the puppy get to the vet? where was the zombie? what the puppy zombies look like?

Any workouts for girls wanting six packs?

I'm sixteen and I'm comfortable with my weight (about 120-125), I am in shape, my tummy is normally flat unless I've just eaten a big meal, and I am very determined. But I would really like to bump up workouts because I've been getting lax and I want more to do during the summer when I'm bored. Are there any workouts out there to get a six pack for a girl? Diet tips would be good too since I am a food aholic.

I saw a HUGE *** today!?

I saw this huge booty at the kmart and guess what I did I grabbed it and ran!!!!!!!! I rock. It didn't feel padded either it felt great nice and soft. The girl didn't even chase after me she had to be like 21 and i'm sixteen.

Question about south park episode T.M.I?

i was watching it and this weird part came up. cartman has to go to anger management, and the psychiatrist tried to get him to get mad. he kept calling him fat, fatty, tubs, etc. while this is going on, cartman is typing something into his phone. then counselor says he's calm. then the counselor's phone rings and its his wife. you can't hear what she says, but the counselor says, "calm down, what do you mean? "webchat with wha?" "what 14 year old girl?" "i don't have criminal record" "who is mitch connor?" "theres no official police report." "PUT THE GUN DOWN, CAROLE?!?!" BANG. then cartman looks at him creep and says, ''im not fat, im big boned. WHAT DID HE DO?!?!

Is this story good so far?

Well it depends on how developed your idea is and how much you planned out if you dont plan ahead your next chapter could be horrific. Also it depends on the audience you after and the type of story it is as well as the genre.

<3 Sweet sixteen ideas? <3?

my party will be in October. I want to have anywhere from 20-100 people at my party. I still need a theme for my party too. I was going to rent a club for my party but i thought people might get tired of dancing and then there would be nothing to do and people would get bored. This will be the last party i get to have so i want it to be awesome!!! :D any ideas???

Can a 13 year old date a 16 year old?

Hi :D, Im Samantha. There is a fifteen year old guy in my church and we like eachother. Nothing serious yet, not officially dating or anything. Well, we are going with our youth group on a mission trip when he is turning sixteen. Im turning 14 in a few months. If he asks me out, would it be okay to date. I absolutely realize NO SEX. And him being in my church, I think its the same. Anyway, please answer. Anything will be appreciated. Thank you :D

What should I do about my sister?

She is 17 and I'm 15. Normally she acts wonderful and never gets into trouble. But Herfriend was loud and obnoxious and rude. My mom yelled at her friend because she was slamming doors and throwing things. Then, she said she didn't have any money to pay my parents back for 25 dollar tickets and a 10 dollar dinner. Worse, at the cabin we had rented, she took a rock and scraped the finish off of the outside table! Then my sister scraped the paint off the closet with a hanger. She didn't mean to but if the owners find it they can charge us a lot of money. I told my mom how the paint got chipped because my sister kept lying and saying she didn't know how it happened. Then my sister wrote all over her body with sharpie. So when we got home, my mom told her that she didn't want her hanging out with this girl anymore and that she knew the closet wasn't like that when we got there. She said my sister and her friend would have to pay for the damage if they called and that she thought her friend was rude and disrespectful. She also said she looked really cheap with the sharpie. Then I talked to my sister and said that maybe she should look at it from her point of view. My sister is really mad at my mom for not liking Sara and telling her about the sharpie and what not. Then she told me to stop trying to be the piecemaker and just shut up. I said that nothing will get better if she doesn't stop and look at the situation. Finally I said I was going to bed and that she should think about it. Then she kept saying maybe you should shut up and go to bed. I get that I was bothering her but I really don't want things to be bad in my family. So I just kept saying that maybe she was wrong and she should take advice and just stop because she wasn't seeing the Other view. she told my that I was fat and ugly (I weight 98 lbs) and that she hates me and I should kill myself. I know she was just mad but it made me cry; I don't knOw what to do. I'm very upset about it. I just wanted to help.

Shopping at Target - Intimates. Thong panties only on hangers?

Love me some Target, and yes, they have them in packs. They are usually located against the wall next to the socks that come in packages. They have 3-4 brands that package and sell thongs (all cuts of undies) that way. Another great place to get them is at Kohl's, if you have one in your area.

Is Stargate sgu canceled?

Is there only one season of stargate sgu? Or did they stop making it? I just want to know if you guys and gals no iv they did. Because they left it at a really big cliff hanger.

Which would you prefer?

LOL at Adorabelle that made me laugh. I think Abigail or Abby is a good strong main girl character name. Abigail Beth Sullivan would be pretty, for a main guy I think Greyson Chette Freedman or Seth Asher Morrison is a good strong main character name.

Hit a car in my driveway?

It will cost way more than any premium increase on your insurance. Keep in mind, not only must you pay for your own damage, you must also pay for the truck's damage. And a rental car for the owner of the truck while his vehicle is in the shop.

Any opinion would help?

I would keep dating him until I'm at least 20. If you're still together you can think about taking things more seriously. You're so young and there's so much baggage around all of this, let things continue the way they are, and decide what to do later if your relationship is still going on when you're older.

Why did my little sister do this?

maybe the reason why she said she's done is because you were telling her how she should dress and all that. Maybe she's just annoyed with you, therefor let allie do her hair. Let her cool down more, then when she's better, ask her.

Is Mitch McConnell a human being?

Every bit as much as this guy... a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

HELP!! 1930's home has SEVERELY clogged shower drain?

Call a pro. They can send a camera down to see what's going on down there. Don't cut the pipe. That will probably only bring you more problems without solving the original one. I'm with some of the other posters here. In a home that age, you probably have clay and/or cast iron pipes that have either settled so they don't drain like they should, or they are just plain past their useful life. I've had 2 homes that vintage and both suffered from drainage problems. One had clay pipes that had settled and broken, and with the other we never did figure out what was wrong(the plumbers suspected a fault in the city's line but the city didn't agree) and ended up installing a new line to the street and a backflow preventer.

The best way to lose fat in thighs, legs, stomach, and underarms?

I'm sixteen, female, between 5'5 and 5'6 and around 114lbs. I'm not necessarily fat, but I do have some extra pounds I'd like to drop, specifically fat in my thighs, legs, stomach, and even my underarms. No, not my actual arms, but the area around my armpit. I know it might sound weird, but I've always had a small amount of loose skin there that folds over and looks strange in tank tops and such. Exercises, diet plans, everything you have. I've already started cutting down on things such as soda and adding extra salt, I just need a few tips and good exercises to start doing. I'd prefer to have all this lost by the time I start school school again (so around mid-August). Thanks for all the help. (:

How to shift from looking?

Okay so, obv I'm growing outta the scene kid phase, I'm sixteen and yeahhh. Anyway, I pretty much dontt wanna look like a sceenie weenie anymore atall whatsoever so I'm growing my hair out + stuff like that, but right now mainly I'm just looking for advice, this may sound stupid but can you give me names of stores like victorias secret pink , NOT preppy azz stores like hollister where they're clothes are intended to be frilly + pretty, I guess the look I'm aiming for is like a stereotypical stoner white girl who is girly and kinda b*tchy, and somewhat attemps to be ghetto , idk how to describe it but can you explain to me also what kinda clothes I should be looking for? Like yoga pants and sweatpants obv and uggs but what kinda other stuff? And what are good stores like vs pink ? Plz helpp

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Where do I buy a clothing rack?

The ones that basically hold clothing on a metal pole with coat hangers that most stores have. I need to buy one and how much do they typically cost?

Private plane hangers around Houston?

Ellington or West Houston Airport. They are both noncommercial airports. Ellington is also a Air Force base though. West Houston is kind of in a rural area but Ellington Airport/AFB is very Urban and near NASA.

How to get rid of ghosts?

Maybe you should get a group of friends together and try a seance. I know that that type of thing can really freak some people out but it might be the only way to communicate with these spirits so you can find out what it is they want. A few tips that will help: plant lavender for luck, throw salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by the garden gate (of front door - just basically the entrance to your home) and keep salt on your window sill. Avoid the colours red and black, as these are mostly the colours of anger. Hope this helps :)

Some help with treating a child bullied for his name...?

I don't think there really is anything you can do about this, children will always pick on anyone that is different. Its not nice but it happens. I was picked on when I was younger for absolutely no reason what so ever. It didn't really affect me, don't get me wrong, it wasn't nice to be picked on.... but Im a happy person, I had friends that stuck with me and I managed just fine. Having parents try to help can sometimes make things worse. Best of luck :D

Can I use a guitar wall hanger to hold a ukulele?

I have several (same sized) "U" shaped wall hangers in my "music room" and hang both Guitars and Ukuleles from them. Granted, my ukuleles are Tenor sized and some brand named soprano ukulele may have a very slender headstock design and not work. But, in general, it works.

Oh, Just kiss me you fool! Question?

If you know he doesn't have a girl friend and he isn't gay then you need to kiss him first. Play wrestling is always a good lead in to this move.

What do you think of this 6 young illegal immigrants arrested in Ga. protest?

I say that it is a good thing that they did this in the US and not mexico, there the probably would have been shot.

Do you have a weird thing you just have to do?

like everytime i go into the restroom and i see a little hanger from the shower curtain i just have to fix it, even if im about to pee myself...

I need some help with ideas for my sweet sixteen party! Please! :)?

I'm having a Halloween themed party because my birthday is October 27th. I need some really great ideas to help me like: invitations, colors (I was thinking of black & orange), what I should be because it's an costume party, & stuff like that! :)

How Can I Prove to People That I'm Stupid?

presidents arent my leader is the outlaw in the streets..that president to me..and if you think saying all the states in albaphetical order makes you smart then u must be a crazy girl cuz i know what smart is..and u aint that

Is it always necessary to have a cover letter?

You should include a cover letter. It gives the employer an idea of the job you are applying for and it gives an indication of how you present yourself. The letter also indicates a level of professionalism which can never hurt your chances of employment.

How OCD are you and has it gotten better or worse since parenthood?

It's a good thing you don't live in my house because you'd go bonkers. I wish I was a little more tidy; things are way too disorganized and messy here. lol Honestly, did you see a therapist about this? I heard that cognitive behaviour therapy can help correct the problem. Good luck!

In the new Vampire Diaries trilogy, Phantom, does Damon come back?

I have just finished reading Midnight in the vampire Diaries trilogy, The Return and I absolutely adored it. I really want to know what happens with Damon in the new trilogy, Phantom and if he comes back or not as he is my fave character!! I also want to know a bit more about the new trilogy in general as the end was a bit of a cliff hanger and I didn't really understand what actually happened to Damon...did he come alive again?

My best friend and i are drifting away. advice?

you aren't over thinking this....believe it or not. im going through the EXACT same thing! omg! thats so weird. like, the exact same issues. lunch, lockers, meeting after class, im even in AP math too! ahaha! but no, i feel the same way. your not alone. its so hard. but i kind of am trying to lean on another more reliable friend, and not relying on my closest friend as much. that way, we're still friends, but i just find ways to offset what she doesn't do for me anymore. its normal for friendships to fade. this is an oppertunity to strenghten another one :) im sorry. your not alone. i hope thigns get better for you.

He cheated on me.. so now what?

i got cheated on. and i was with him for a year. when people would tell me he was cheating i didnt believe it till i read his text messages. he really hurt me but i broke up with him because HE messed up what we had. if a guy cheats most likely he'll do it again because. the guy that cheated on me says hes sorry and he loves me but i cant say i believe him anymore cuz he was with another gurl and yes i forgive him but we'll never be more than friends anymore. and we still talk but no like before.....this is just my thought. you dont have do listen but if he really loved you or what ever he wouldnt of done it in the first place. do what you feel is right....good luck :)

Should I do my famous putting myself through a hanger trick?

My bestfriend/roommates party is dying just a bunch of guys looking at each other drinking...kind of pathetic like..should I save it by going in there and doing my famous body through a hanger trick and follow up with burping the ABC's.

How should I start my Sweet Sixteen?

I am having my 16th b-day sometime soon. I will be having it at my house with dancing and loud music. Everything that comes with a party. One little thing, I don't know how to start it. To make the party "happening". lol I don't want it to be awkward at the beginning. People come in and there's music in the background. Should I put it low at first? And then casually make it louder? I will be serving drinks at first but I am uncertain on how to make it start. Please help!! Thanks so much!

In New Jersey can my parents teach me how to drive?

im sixteen and i passed the written test. what do i need to do to have my parents teach me with the states approval?

Dear Sixteen year-old me...?

Dear 16 year old me, get over yourself. Stop moaning. Get on with it. You're quite lucky and the sooner you realize this, the better. In a few years time, you'll be kicking yourself for all the life you missed out on while you were too busy complaining.

Where can i buy a crochet plant hanger?

What kind of stores could I find these in? Also I don't know if my location would matter I live around the Phoenix area in Arizona. Thank you :)

Can you do an abortion with a coat hanger?

No, you really can't without killing yourself. But if you're dumb enough to think that you can, maybe you should just go ahead and give it a try.

Does she knows i liked her?

hi,i'm a sixteen year old girl,studying in an all-girls school.Since the last couple of months,i have this crush on my classmate,who's in a school band,who really looks guyish and cool.But the more we got to know each other,the more she comforts me when i'm down,the more i liked her.So here's how the story goes-there's a girl in my class,A,who's kinda like in my clique in class.but i don't talk to her that day,she wrote a love note to my crush and lied to her,saying that it's from her junior admirer.she said she's doing it just for fun.and my crush was oblivious about it.she believed the letter contents and freaks out about it.And while she's receiving her so called admire letters(i actually played along and acting like i don't know who's the real note-writer is) she told me two things-she thinks that the letters are from her percussion juniors.And she told me that she likes A.and on the other day,she showed me this girl and said that that girl is cute.I told one of my friends,B about it,and B said my crush knew that i liked her.She wanted to see my reaction when my crush told me about her confession.I was quite confused.why did my crush told me that she likes A even though A and i are not really that close.why didn't she tell someone really close to her instead?why didn't she tell her band members,who are way closer to her about this?Why did she showed to me a girl and told me that girl looks cute?And most of all,is it true what B said?That she confessed to me bout she liking A just to see my reaction because she knew that i liked her?

What is a german sweet sixteen?

When an american turns 16 it's call a sweet sixteen but what is it called for the germans and what do they do at the party.

Who should I use for my job application references?

I'm sixteen and I'm filling out my first job application for Barnes and Noble. I had a summer job last year, but it was for my friend's dad and he just sorta hired me. I need three references (aside from my past job) and I'm not completely sure who to use. As it's summer, there is only one teacher I would be able to contact because I have her number from tennis. Would it be appropriate to use my best friend's mom? Any ideas of people in general it would be appropriate for me to use?

Small Sweet Sixteen Ideas?

Ok. so my sweet sixteen is coming up and im trying to think of things to do. the party will have around 5 or so people cause i want it to be small and so far i have cupcake decortaing, 90's themed music and movies, and dinner at a restaurant, but i need an activity. my friend did nails for hers so thats out and another did a mall scavenger hunt and my other friend is gonna have a tea party type thing. i was thinking of doing something little kid themed like build a bear or something like that. but i would like other ideas. i live around san francisco so if that helps with any ideas i would really appreciate it! thanks!

What alien movie is this?

I seen just a little of this movie around 10 years ago and all I remember is some woman gets abducted by aliens and she ends up pregnant by it and she tries to abort it in a car with a hanger but it wouldn't let her do it.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Fantasy baseball sleepers and help?

There are 2 prospects that are probally going to be called up sometime this week. Keep an eye on Dustin Ackley 2B Mariners and Brett Lawrie 2B Jays, your pitching looks great so these guys might be able to give your team a jolt when they are called up. They are both 5 tool players, especially Ackely who is a leaflet guy with power

How can i reverse this spell?

ok last month (i am a sixteen year old living with my parents and my siblings)i made a(accidental) conjure bag spell to my mother for her to fall in love with the country shes in (UK) by writing make my my mom fall in love with the country shes in.. on a peice of paper and wrapping it in a scroll now i put it in a conjure bag made of black velvet to keep it safe but the conjure bag had a sea rock in i was supposed to make this spell in florida coz we were going there on holiday and i hate the life of the UK so then it is cast but i dont realize it and when each time mom tries to leave she gets rejected each place she goes and one day she called her pshycic and the phycic said there is a little witch living with you and that witch cast a spell to make you fall in love with uk soil now its aa very dangerous spell coz it will never let you and your soil leave uk mom wonders ho is this witch? now i am looking for a way to reverse this coz it was an accident and we are trying to leave the country but we keep getting rejected.

Any advice for a girl that is jealous of her cousin?

What you need to do is not care what Valintina is doing. If you want to write a book. do it. if you want to live in New York. Go ahead. Its a big city and noones stoppin ya. You give Valintina too much credit, she probly doesnt realize what she's doing, or maybe she does. but do you really want to give her the attention? Just ignore what she wants and do whats good for you and what you want. Tell someone about whats happening. Because by the way you ranted in this question i'd say ya need it. and im not being mean just blunt. Be what you want to be and dont let jelousy or upstagement get in your way. when they compare you to her take it as motivation to be urself. Dont try to not be like her, it will only frustrate you. Just be you. and if ya dont know you that is, well neither does every other teen. So dont worry about it, i know that it seems hard and that your probly ready to explode, so let it out. Rant to the skies, run til ya pass out(not really it sucks when that happens), do something to let it out and help yourself. But remember that other people are going through the same thing everywhere and people are going to judge you and are going to be rude, but you've got to learn to deal with it and not by self harm. instead use it as motivation. I remember my grandma got me a pair of pants that where HUGE a couple years ago and i mean huge. and she said id grow into them. well it hurt my feelings because to me it meant she thought i was going to be that big when i got older, but then i got mad and got to where im a healthy weight :) and i know the situations are not near the same but use negetive stuff to make a positive impact on your life. I really hope this helped

How to get rid of a 16 yr old stalker that put a relationship in bad repair mode?

Next time you know not to take such young babysitter, you did the right thing. Continue to keep your guard and try to rekindle your family.

How do find radio ratings for particular hosts on a talk radio show?

i'm trying to find the radio ratings for WJR. i like to see Frank Beckmann's ratings vs Mitch Alboms.

Will there be another kingdom hearts?

I've played the first one, chain of memories, 358/2 days, the 2nd one, and birth by sleep. I was just wondering cuz the 2nd one kinda lest off as a cliff hanger. You know, where mickey sent them a message in a bottle?

Can the following Republican presidential candidates be eliminated from being the nominee for these reasons?

These can't win and here's why: Sarah Palin is out because she has been successfully painted as mu=ch less than intelligent. Michelle Bachmann can't because she's successfully been painted as a krazy woman.Mitt Romney can't because he has a history of compromising with Liberals.Also he is a Mormon.Mitch Daniels can't because he was Bush's budget Director.Herman Cain can't because he can't win the Southern Republican primaries. Newt Gingrich can't for calling House Republicans Social Engineers.Jon Huntsman can't because he's a social Liberal.Did I leave someone out?

Is this a good trade?

I give up Carl Crawford, Mitch Moreland, Jonathan Sanchez, and Jhoulys Chacin for CC Sabathia, Tommy Hanson, Shane VIctorino, and Eric Hosmer. I have Morneau already, so him and Hosmer should form a 1-2 punch, while CC, Hanson, Halladay, and Gallardo should give me a great rotation. I hate giving up Crawford, but VIctorino can be a poor man's replacement, and I already have Corey Hart, Curtis Granderson, and Chris Young. Isn't this fair if only for my amazing rotation?

What are some good youtube user names ?

my channel is going to be about pets and animals so i need some cool names and they cant have any cute words in them like fluffy or cuddly. thanks - mitch

Is it true that only looks matter?

No, not only looks matter. You can't get through life depending only on looks. You won't be able to get a job, because no company want someone that only cares about looks. True beauty is on the inside, not out. If you are beautiful on the inside, and you are smart and independent, you can go far.

Woven hanging plant holders?

I do mine by using fishing nets. I cut them to form a basket and insert wire strong enough to support the hanging plant holders.

Any advice for a girl that is jealous of her cousin?

ohhhh , I know how you feel,I don't rlly know wt to tell you,but why don't you talk with them abt thatsay all what u wrote here to them,make an END to dis,cz dis is so freakin annoying,i feel sad for ya,all you have to do in my opinion is to talk with them..tell ur parents! and plz dont get jealous from ur causins its not thier faults (: tc

Bucks and shooting them?

I live in south east iowa we our loaded with huge white tail deer so why the hell I'm a always in the wrong place at the wrong time or can I get any tips on bow hunting I love bow hunting but I've only been doing it for 5 year so I would say I don't know much about it any help getting close to the big one like where they might hang out what time do most of the big boys show there heads any thing for this season I wanna another wall hanger that tops the rest??? And do rubs mean the buck is going to return to that spot or is it just a one time thing??????

Any good movies? Like for teens?

First off, "(500) Days of Summer", "Juno", "Easy A", and "Inception" were very good films. Hmm. Personal favorites? "Up In the Air", "Inglorious Bastards", oh and if there is a particular actor or actress that you really admire, and if you're really into film, you should check out some of their favorite films.

GIRLS ONLY! please help?

so, i want to begin to use tampons, and i've never used them before. i'm sixteen and i'm wondering if someone can give me some tips on your first time....something? and also since this is my first time, what type of brand and type of tampon i should buy, i think i heard something about them having a different type of aplicator? well, thanks in advance!

Electrolux nimble Instructions?

I had an electrolux nimble ordered & I can't figure out how to get the hangers that hold up the cord to stay in!!! PLEASE HELP!

Why is John Boehner and Eric Cantor Assuring that the Debt Ceiling will " Eventually be raised"?

Our federal government has been running in the red each and every year since 1957. No one can change a systemic solution that has become largely institutionalized.

A Hanger set the you can take a part and put togather.?

Im looking for a hanger set that you can put together and take apart. It has to be easy because its for my grandma. If their isnt one, then can you put down a link and tips or something how to make one.

Is Mitch McConnell sick! I saw an interview and he was pasty and seemed covered in gello!?

Last few times I've seen him on TV, my gut says, "That man's very sick". I'm a trained diagnostician so maybe it's something I haven't laid my finger on yet but my subconscious sees!

I have a question about AT&T plans?

Okay. Im sixteen years old and I have to buy my own phone for the first time. My old contract ended in November and I was waiting to sign a new contract until I needed a new phone. Im looking at the AT&T ANDROID phones, but I'm not sure which one is best so if you have any opinions on those phones please share. But my main question is that it says the phone costs 49.99 with a two year contract..but what does a two year contract mean exactly? Am I gonna have to pay extra each month? Please give me any information you possess it would help me a lot. I know with the Iphone you have to pay 30 dollars extra each month am I going to have to do that with the Android phone? Please and Thank You.

Need help please?????????????

I'm joining the national guard and one way to be promoted to e2 is to be able to do 50 push ups in two min., 60 sit ups I'm two mins., and run two miles in fifteen mins. And I'm way behind I have sixteen days to be able to reach this, how should I go about conditioning my self to pull this of and not be super soar when time comes for me to be tested?

What should i do with my life?

no human can tell another what to do with your life only you can decide. so do anything you want as long as its legal. and always remember that life is a gift charish it and do as you please. just remeber its your life do it your way so live life to its fullest. i'm sorry if i didn't help.

Is it going to be Romney vs. Pawlenty for the Nod?

Mitch Daniels is out. What do you think? I still think John Huntsman Jr. would be the strongest candidate against Obama because he appeals to more moderate independent voters and he has shown his willingness to be bipartisan in working for the Obama administration.

Sweet 16, Should I have it, family outing or party bash?

if i were to have it family outing, we would go to a really fancy restaurant, then have cake then just hang at home and watch a rented dvd that i picked out or... If I were to have it a party, it cost a lot but be a blast with friends, it just seems like having a party would be too much. even if its my sweet sixteen b-day, but i wouldn't have to worry about family getting too much in the way of having a great time. what should i do????

Any Sweet SIXTEEN Ideas ?! :)?

Ok, So I'll be turning 16 in August! I have a couple of months to plan. The only thing is, I've had my mind set on having a big hugeee party since I was 13! But now i'm not so sure anymore. What if it doesn't turn out the way I want it to? What if no one shows up? Thenn.. My birthday is gonna be ruined & im not sure if i wanna take that risk. Soooo, Is there any other good ideas that i can do to celebrate my 16th birthday? I mean.. Something FUN, & EXCITING! I'll invite some friends to whatever I do.. I just need ideas on WHAT to do! Lol, Any suggestions are greatly appreciated :) Thanks..

What is wrong with me?

Well 0 is wrong with you. You just could be a late bloomer or maybe you did not get the gene the rest of family did. I have always had small boobs and I always wanted implants but when I could get them I changed my mind. I think it is more attractive as you age do not have the sagging and back problems. You could wear a padded bra or if possible get implants later on. You may blossom out in time anyways. Again 0 is wrong with you your still young

My older Sister Is Always Abused?

Call the police and report your parents. Your question is confusing. Is your sister still alive or did she die by her own hand?

Should I tell my mom I found Dad's pron?

Well, if I were you I wouldn't do it because it could potentially ruin their relationship. Also, it's technically not cheatimg. So no.

Would a Ford ranger be able to tow an aircraft weighing 16,000Ib down a taxiway?

I am looking for a small truck that can pull my aircraft out of its hanger and on to the taxi way without having to start its engines while inside the hanger. I have an old Citation that weighs close to 16,000 pounds. In your opinion, do you think that a Ford Ranger with a V8 engine would have the capability to tow the Citation? If not, what would be a convenient truck that would be able to do the trick? I am simply asking if a Ford Ranger has that kind of towing capacity.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What book should I read?

Over the summer I have to read a book for English class. Should I read A Seperate Peace by John Knowles or The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Alborn

Need Ideas For the End Of My Scary Story?

The drink done something mysterious to him. As he was driving ur saw a billboard with a picture of the boy that was in the car , it wad a missing child billboard ( have you seen Taylor Declan) then as he drove further up the road he saw a line of dead people walking up both sides of the road and one of the persons look just like Alex. Then the boy in the car said he is one of us now. So he slams on the brakes and runs up to Alex but get hit by a truck. The ending scene shows a car parked on the side of the road with Michael dead body there and some friends from the party watching on as the police think it was some guy the got drunk and left the party and got hit by a truck. Yet Michael is in the dead people line with Alex walking up the road . Whew creapy

My son was arrested and he wet his pants because the cops didn't let him use the bathroom?

Do you realize that four counts of vehicular manslaughter means he killed four people with his car? I think he violated much more. You need to find the families of the people that he killed and offer your apologies and support. Don't worry about your son, he made an adult choice, and now has to face it as an adult. Mommy can't save him anymore.

Could the heavyweight contenders of the 80's dominate the current HW scene?

My friend I believe that the heavyweight division would certainly be a heck of a lot more exciting with these guys and that the interest would be far greater compared to what we have. Don't get me wrong here as the Klitschko brothers are great fighters and would probably beat any of these guys on the list although several would be capable of giving them a good fight or perhaps an upset as there are some big punchers on here. And I believe that most of these guys would defeat Haye as I feel they were just more talented. And I would have loved to have seen them fighting Adamek as they would have been very competitve fights. As the pickings in the heavyweight scene toeday are slim, these guys would have been ranked and fighting each other to see who would challenge to Klitschko brothers but I still believe that the Klitschko's would win.

Will putting a t-shirt on a hanger stretch the collar?

The thing I hate most is an overstretched neck on a t-shirt but I just don't have any drawer space to fold them in. Now I heard that putting the hanger on through the bottom of the shirt will reduce the stretching a little bit but will it still stretch anyway from it just hanging there? If so, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Dreamed i had a daughter?

alright im a guy so i had this dream i remember bits and pieces of it but some of the other stuff is scratchy but all try and start from the beginning i remember i was trying to get my wife and daughter who in this point in time was a baby to safety i distinctively remember calling her hailey i remember my wife was one of my best-friends i used to like and in my dream i felt a hatred for her like i was angry at her but that's not the part that im attached to so anyways i got them to safety but still something happened this is the part that i don't really remember all i really remember is the next part im walking up to the front yard were hailey and my wife are and hailey is about four or five she was very cute and she had some of my features but none of my wife's my best-friend and me have black hair and brown eyes but hailey had blonde hair and brown eyes i remember being there for her the emotions i felt for her were intense extreme protectiveness i loved her more then anything in this world as a daughter and i feel like shes real somehow but me my friend and hailey were walking on a beach and this big helicopter pulled down i remember the fear in Hailey's eyes they took them away another two years went by and i was with my step-dad and his brother i remember being in this thing that was above ground long story short my step-dads brother jumped out of this plane thing and got seriously injured so we bring him to a scientist research business slash hospital to get healed so we were on are way to the room he was in and i run in to this business lady and she was one of the the ones that took hailey so i attack her and grab her phone and got out of there i was just about to find were hailey was and the i woke up when i woke up i felt sad that i couldn't save her and that i couldn't see her at least one last time can anyone tell me what this dream means oh and im sixteen i would appreciate it.

Any one wonder why mitch kupchak isnt doing anything to his roster?

The roster that had won two NBA Finals in a row but had a poor showing in their quest for a three-peat doesn't need an overhaul.

I was told once you turn sixteen, if you dont have your permit you can go to the dmv and take both tests?

and walk out with you license... as long as you have a parent there to verify that you have at least six months of driving experience... is this true?

Should I get myself pregnant?

I'm sixteen years old, and I'm thinking about getting pregnant. I know that sounds bad, but I am very experienced with kids, and I know what I would be getting myself into, my family fosters children, and I know just about all of the tricks, because I care for most of the younger ones. It makes me so sad when they have to leave. I just love them. My boyfriend is twenty, and treats me like a queen, and I simply adore him for it. I've talked with him about it, and he told me that he would want to have kids, but he is leaving the decision up to me. My mom seems to be encouraging it as well, she had me at 19. I know that the responcability is mine once I make that commitment, not my parents, and not even my boyfriends. It's mine, and I can handle it. Nobody in my family has had to ever work for the sake of money, but I do have a job. As does my boyfriend. I honestly don't have much of a social life, because I am such a reserved person. What do you think?

Does my son have a bipolar disorder?

I think the best thing to do would be to visit a doctor. There could be other reasons though, has he had a rough time at school?, does he have many friends? because when I was in school and I had no friends I use to take it out on my parents. Good luck though.

Places to buy acrylic nails or idk what's it called help please :D?

OK so I want my nails done for school and change my nails like every wk or two , but I want like certain designs like Hello Kitty and designs like that I most definatly don't wanna go to a nail salon....or make someone do my nails is there a place where I can buy fake nails with Hello Kity on it :) oo and mitch match nail designs :D ? thanksss

Sixteen year old dating thirteen year old?

My friend just turned 16 and is dating a girl who just turned 13. Hes going to be a junior in high school and shes going into 8th grade idt this is right but I want a few more opinions before I try to talk to my friend about this, please give input. And thanks in advance

I need a plumbers help!! I poured the wrong drano in my tub.?

Add several gallons of water and it should be cleared up by morning. If it hasn't, buy the liquid drain cleaner on the way home tomorrow. If neither of those do it, call your building superintendent to get it fixed (snaked).

Attracting guys in the city(its my birthday please help:)?

I turn sixteen today :) i'm going to the city with friends. I'd like to meet new males because the ones in my area aren't very nice. Anyway i can usually attract them, like i'll be walking down the street and me and my best friend will get called good looking, but when guys say that i usually freeze and don't know what to say. Are they just joking or actually interested? What do i do to get talking to them?sted? What do i do to get talking to them?

I walked in on them having sex?

no do not tell your parents that's the worst thing you can do it would destroy your relationship with all of them. and there only 5 years apart and that legal in tell both are 18 in which age dose not madder ( though i still find creepy white bigger than 5 gap) i would not tell them you saw them id just say you noted that they seem kind of close lately and ask (probably bro rater than mate) what he thinks. and you cant really blame mate for not coming out he my not be ready to admit that to any one even if he has excepted himself enough to act on it. but ultimately you have to relies if they what to be together there nothing you can really do about it. sorry sweety. but keep in mind you care about theme both and dont judge to harshly

Is Mitch McConnell the kind of hard-nosed businessman that Republicans prefer to become politicians?

Liberals have produced a number of "hard" politicians over the years: Bill Clinton, Spitzer, Weiner, Frank, all the Kennedys, and a lot of other immoral worthless imbeciles.

Why do people have to pay for auto insurance?

I have a 2002 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer 4.6L. I don't have the full coverage but i still have to pay about two hundred dollars for the insurance? What is the point of that if the insurance doesn't even do anything? At one point a car hit me in the intersection and it totaled and they didn't even help me get it out of the impound? Why do people have to for pay this exactly? I'm sixteen i don't know much about this stuff and my mother isn't always home so i cant ask her.

Is Michael Grant going to write a 5th book for the Gone series?

I absolutely loved every minute of reading all four book in that series. I've told all my friends at school about them, and they are pretty much all thinking about reading it. How Michael Grant ended the 4th book was a real cliff hanger, so I imagine he will write another one, but I'm not sure. Do you think he will? I really truly hope so.

16 years old- getting birth control-what papers will I need?

U can go to ur doctors actually n have a confidential account n ur parents wont find out as long as u pay cash..... i did it

How come my boyfriened doesn't wanna go on dates?

He just turned 16 in Januray and i'm turning 16 next Thursday. All we ever do is sit in the couch & talk and we spent the whole time complaining of boredom and debating on what we should do, I always beg him & he's like no. We only went on two dates in October and to the movies three weeks ago for our 7th monthsary. I begged him to go to my birthday party to a waterpark because i'm having conflicts (talking behind my back) with my cousin and her friends and her boyfriend are coming as well as its her party too. I don't wanna feel left out and not have fun. So i wanna bring some of my friends and my boyfriend too. But the whole reason why doesn't wanna go is because he always do stuff with and for me but i never wanna do anything for me or do what he wanna do. He says how everything is always about me. But its not. I wanna do the things he wanna do. But most of it is because all about intamaicy. I don't feel comfortable with that.He also said he doesn't completely trust me with his heart.So than i broke up with him and than he pleaded me he wants to work everything out & than i agreed to get back with him minutes later. The reason why i tried to break up with him because we have lack of communication, he doesn't trust me, he never wants to go on dates and it fustratstes to me to no end. I hate how he thinks that everything has to be about me. But it isn't. Most of the things he wants me to do is that i feel uncomfortable. I tried to get him to open up about his feelings, thoughts, dreams, fears, past and future. He told me that i never want to talk and that i'm always quiet. We never have nothing good to say cuz we don't hang out in school and i don't know half of the people he hangs out with. He also wants to know everything about me. My past and future. When we went out to a movie, he refused to hold my hand or kiss in public so i kept hitting him with my purse in hanger. I just wish we could be a normal couple, go out to dates, act like we're best friends & kiss & hold hands in public & be able to communicate well. I want a REAL relationship where its not just sitting in the couch, complaning that we're bored and debating on what we should, me begging to go on a date, him pressuring me to do stuff that i feel very uncomfortable with. He's a great guy and i love him. ): i just wish we were a normal couple that goes out and normal things together and just basically have a good time.

A coin is stuck in my bathroom sink. I can see it, but i cant get it out?

Ive tried the plunger and the coat hanger.. but its really wedged in there. Plumbers are quoting me $200 plus. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks so much

Whats the actress' name that said "No more wire hangers!?"?

she was very mean to her children. Made them give away all their birthday presents and Christmas presents.

What to get a sixteen year old girl for her birthday?

i'm 15 and i have a cousin that would be sixteen july 4th (awesome). she wants a navel ring but it's just too much that i can afford. any ideas?

Help i got my 16yr old gf prego?

help! i got my girlfriend (16 is the legal age of consensual sex in my country, lucky for me ae?) pregnant but her parents are mad catholic. is there a way we can do a secret abortion so her parents don't find out about this? ive heard of people using a coat hanger or knitting needles but does that actually work, and if it does how do you do it?

Why did Mitch McConnell admit that Republicans are opposing wars under Obama just because he's a Democrat?

Its pretty obvious its just because he's a democrat... You don't need McConnell to say it, just a shred of common sense.

Why is it that Nancy Pelosi is bashed for botox and "beauty" enhancements?

Yet Mitch McConnell walks around looking like a pelican with a rotted mouth and no one ever talks about him? Why can't women look good without being criticized (especially by the right)?

Why did I have this dream?

Ok well this morning/last night I had a really weird dream, it started with me being at the libary with my schools libarian Mrs. Smith. And I was renting this awesome book about star wars or something, and then I left and my mom drove me to this place that looked like the therapy office in mizzou. Then the rest got really crazy, I got outside of the building with my cousions javante and jamon and it turned out we were on top of a space ship, we looked like we were in star fox. Then My cousions fell of the ship and I found a little mini ship to go catch them, Then when I thought all hope was gone My uncle, Uncle jason came and he was flying and he came and catched them and brought them up, then he gave me the power to fly just like him and we flew into a intergalactic space hanger. Inside of the hanger was a slide that reminded me of when I was in the happy place or whatever at mc Donalds, just there was dominos all over the slide. I slid down the slide with my cousins and my uncle and we walked down all these tubes then we were back and my dad said "Everytime I went to the bathroom a raido said "you know who else likes saws?" Then i woke up. Why did I have that dream? I mean thats not the first time I dreamt of a video game, ounce I dreamt of baloon tower defence three. And also on this site people say that if you dream of someone there thinking of you??? I dreamed of 3 people and also what is it if you dream of a video game?

Is it normal to somewhat lose your best friend as you get older?

I'm sixteen; so i'm not real old but when my bestfriend and I were growing up; first grade to the middle of ninth grade we were real close. Until we both got boyfriends, but my relationship lasted and hers didn't. I've been with my boyfriend for a year and seven months. Lately i've been wondering if its normal to lose a close friendship because of having a relationship. I love her and I love him as well. But I find myself seeing him alot more than I see her so far this summer, i'm with him probably three times a week and i'm only with her once or she stays all weekend with me at my cabin or salt lake or my aunt. I will always be there for her, but I know she hates my relationship and she doesn't like my boyfriend either. I can't even have them into the same room without him joking with her and her having a fit. I don't blame her not to like him, and I honestly don't care. But I feel like she's only there for me when my boyfriend and I fight or one time we tried to take a break because we were fighting pretty badly that week and I felt she was there for me that week than she was there for me since before I was dating him. I just find myself wanting to just be with him and my family, and I feel like he's my bestfriend because he's always there for me now. Is this normal? Or should I try to be with her more often? I know i'm still young to be devoted to a boy but I am and I don't know if it's good or bad because of my loss of interest in my bestfriend and friends.

What's a good episode to introduce Dawson's Creek to a friend?

I'm currently rewatching Dawson's Creek and I'd forgotten how amazing this show is! I'd like to introduce this show to a friend so we can talk about the episodes, but I'm not sure what episode to start with. I'm not a huge fan of season 1, too much Mitch and Gale. I'd like to start it at the "A Weekend in the Country" episode of season 3 because that's the beginning of Joey/Pacey (my favorite couple, and the show's best couple IMO), but then you lose the whole Joey/Dawson angle, and why it is such a big deal that she is going out with Pacey. I was also thinking of starting it in Season 2, with the school dance episode, since that's the beginning of Pacey/Andie and it shows the Joey/Dawson struggle as well. What do you guys think?

What do you guys think of my opening part of my chapter?

You started off with a dream, which is a BIG NO. And after that, well, I'm sorry, I just tuned out. Dreams are one of the big things that you don't do. It's so cliched. Start it out differently.

Are the Republican Leaders structuring some type of Class Warfare; by holding the Debit Ceiling hostage?

seems to me the Republicans are trying to hold the debt ceiling and make some significant spending cuts. I'm sure they will fail because they have no balls and the Dem's are too arrogant. it's all just a game you can watch to be entertained. as long as they will not follow the rule of law, this country is doomed. we should have fired them in 2010.

Will I lose weight if I keep this up?

I'm sixteen and trying to lose some weight to get rid of some of this curviness that I hate. -_- Anyways, I'm a dancer, so I thought, 'What better way to exercise than dancing, right?' In the morning, I have five strawberries. In the afternoon. I have two pieces of toast and a yogurt. After doing that, I play Just Dance 2.. It's a Wii game, and all in all, I burn 952 calories on it. Afterwards, I'll eat a regular dinner, because I can't really control what my Mom fixes. But she cooks healthy things and small portions, so I think I'm good on that. Anyways, I've been doing this for a few days, and I haven't lost anything. /: Will I lose any weight if I keep this up?

After placing the film into the tank for developing?

That would be D, obviously there's no air bubbles in the developing tank until you actually add the developer. The previous poster is also correct, don't ever shake the film to remove air bubbles, a good tap of the tank on a counter top is all you need! (I use metal developing tanks, not sure how plastic tanks take to a good tap on a countertop!)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How do I remove my non stock car stereo?

I bought the truck with a different stereo than the stock one and I want to remove it. I have no key or pins that fit the holes at the side to remove it, and I tried using a coat hanger. I have no Idea how to get it out without the specific tool. If it helps, its a Koss stereo.

I need to think of more activities to do for my disney-themed sweet sixteen! Help?

I'm having a disney themed party for my sweet sixteen, and in terms of activities the only things I planned are movies and dancing. I want people to have a good time, but I think they need more ways to occupy their time. Does anyone have ideas on disney related games or activities that could work for my age group? Its okay if they seem like they're more childish, a lot of us act like children anyways. Please help me!

Centipedes... :( will they EVER do any harm?

Picking the centipedes up with a paper towel and dropping them into some soapy water will kill them.

Where can i buy a steel scythe cheap?

i checked ebay they have some cool ones but all antiques and i've seen some at some australian websites for $200+. i just want a wall hanger that is somewhat sturdy. looking for a grim reaper motif. I'm thinking about buying this one a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a but i was wondering if maybe i couldn't find a cooler one or possibly a little cheaper.

How do i make my car sound loud?

i recently turned sixteen and got an 06 mustang. i would really like for it to sound loud. im a girl and i have no clue what im talkin about when it comes to stuff like this. i need help!

What is the cost of hangering a cessna 152?

First how do you go about finding a hanger for your cessna 152(haven't purchased yet). How much typically is my cost of hangering?

Mom mad about not getting a job.?

I just turned sixteen and have applied at over seven different places for a job. I live in a small town and my mother gets upset because I don't have one. What should I do?

My rat has a tumor and I don't know what to do. Help?

My rat is a year or two old and I noticed a couple months ago that she was developing this large tumor on her side in front of her left leg. It's pretty large, but I looked it up and it said I had to go to a vet to remove it from her. But money is extremely tight and I can't afford it being only sixteen and having no job..I asked my mom if maybe she could drain it with a syringe because she's a nurse, but she says she doesn't recommend it. Many sites say that if I decide not to get it removed I should euthanize her. I don't want to lose her and I don't want her to suffer. :( Any help?

Any fun ideas for inexpensive sweet sixteen?!??!?

I really want to throw a fun sweet party!I only have 10 close friends that I want to invite,so I don't want to throw a party that is really fancy. I was thinking to throw the party at my house,but I am not sure if it would be fun or not for my friends. At my house we have a wii,a x-box kinetic,a ping pong table/also a pool table,an air hockey machine,and a pool (to swim in)...Do you think all those things would be fun enough for a good party?!!? ( and of course I would have food and gift bags to give out.I also need an idea for game that we all can play , because I have want to give out a prize to the winner/ top 3 winners. Any other ideas for a party that is inexpensive (up to $200 )would be great. Thanks <3

Where to get a vintage white lace dress in Toronto?

I am looking for a white vintage lace dress. The price ranges between 20 -45 dollars. Please. It has to be stores in Canada not the U.S. The occasion is a sweet sixteen. I want it to be short but not to short.

I think I have some kind of syndrome or disorder?

The only person who can tell you what's going on is a mental health professional. I suggest finding a counselor in your area.

My brother (21) is sleeping with my friend (16) Should I tell someone?

You tell me, I'll tell 2 people, they'll tell three people, it'll go around like the black plague back the good ol' days and you're bro will find out eventually.

Multiple irregular moles?

I have several irregular moles(asymmetrical, partially raised, different shades of brown on each, jagged edges), one on my arm, one on the inside of my thigh, and another on my face. I was wondering if I should be worried about these being hazardous to my health? I know the a b c d e of skin cancer, but I never heard of more than one spot appearing with cancer. I am sixteen with fair skin and red hair, and they have NOT been there my whole life. I've also not noticed growth with the ones on my arm and leg, but I feel like the one on my face has slightly grown.

Obama signs Patriot Act extension with autopen...who do you agree with?

Republican freshman Rand Paul of Kentucky, says in the rush to meet the terrorist threat in 2001 Congress enacted a Patriot Act that tramples on individual liberties. Other liberal Democrats and civil liberties groups who have long contended the law agrees it gives the government authority to spy on innocent citizens.. While senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, argues that "It has kept us safe for nearly a decade and Americans today should be relieved and reassured to know that these programs will continue." Who do you agree with? Any thoughts?

Why Do I Struggle With Being Alone?

I'm sixteen and for the past two years I haven't been single for more than a month. I try to stay single, but then I always start feeling lonely and even more depressed than I already am. Guys that I date make me happy. I just have a phobia with staying single. It doesn't feel right. Can anyone tell me what is the catalyst or reason or WHY I am like this? Anything? I really need to fix this problem. I jump from guy to guy everyone says. My friends and even my MOM said that...

Dyed my hair for the first time yesterday..................?

I'm sixteen and I've never dyed my hair with permanent hair color, just temporary ones. So yesterday I decided my naturally dark brown hair with a blondish dye (Loreal Preference Excellence Cream, Dark Beige Blonde). I did this thinking that it would result in a lighter brown, but instead I got red hair. Its not really red but the roots are much lighter than the bottom of my hair and I think I look horrible. First timers mistake I guess. I was ok with it at first, but I just wanna go back to brown again. I was thinking about dying it with an ash brown color from Loreal as well, but I'm not sure if I should do it tomorrow or if I should wait a little while, 2 weeks maybe? Can i just get some opinions and advice? Thanks guys!

Sweet sixteen makeup?!?

The dress and hair is very beautiful. A foundation to use is Maybelline's Fit Me. and with that foundation comes in any shade and is camera friendly. You can get the Maybelline foundation at any drugstore such as walgreens, walmart, target, H-E-B. I have a few makeup ideas. Hope they will help. Even though the second look is for new years, it is still very pretty. same with the spring look which is the fourth link.

OH GOD. My puppy just swallowed a piece of plastic from a plastic hanger! WTF?

Well, she started choking and now she looks fine, but im pretty sure that she swallowed the piece plastic. Will she be okay or..?!

Why didn't he tell me he was gay?

Well, i think you should chill first off. If they want to be together, so be it. You're just going to have to deal with it. Obviously you don't want to lose your friend, or think any different about your brother. Calm down and sit them both down and talk to them. Tell them how it made you feel. Don't bring the 'rents in it. They don't need to hear about this. But just take a breather, and talk it out.

What's the weirdest thing to happen to you at a summer camp?

Last week I went to church camp. My room mates beat me with a hanger, tackled me, and jumped on me completely naked.

What can i do for my sweet sixteen party invites?

i want them to be creative and i'm going to make them myself. the them of the party is the letter "C" because its a letter party

Do you Agree or Disagree with Geithner: We Need to Raise Taxes on Small Businesses Because It‘s ’Fair’?

He's one to talk about fair - or honesty / integrity for that matter; considering he cheated on his own taxes.

Should i drop Adam Dunn?

he's on my bench and his numbers are awful 171/7/29. i would pick up Mitch moreland over him but idk if he's going to come out of this slump?

Anxieties about parenting in the future due to condition?

aww you sound very sweet. i hope you find someone to love and children to take care of. you can truly do anything you set your mind to

How to show a guy your the one he needs?

ok im 14 iv known him for 4 years sooo much history iv seen him cry he's seen me cry i know him so well all the way to what kind of jeans he likes best and his favorite tooth paste lol i told him i loved him when i was 12 but i met him when i was 11 iv told him i love him and i don't want the your too young stuff i know what love is iv had it and its horrible when someone doesn't love you back his name is Mitch he is literally the sweetest perfect guy iv ever met he understands how i feel and talk to me about it and he cares about my feelings he's gone out with some girls not in a player way but he's a very romantic always looking for the "right girl" and iv sat with him through his heart breaks and my friends hav told me im more pretty and talented then any of his gfs he's had sry if that sounded like i have a huge ego but we have so much in common its scary lol but im literally perfect for him we both are actors and we have great history but he wont give me a chance he loves me but not quite there but all these girls break his heart how can i show him that i would never do that how can i show him that im so much more and better for him then any of these girls because i understand him and i love him

I swallowed something help?

ok so i just posted this question but the people said i need to describe it more so its this small piece of a clothes hanger i know its stupid i just wasnt thinking when i put in my mouth wasnt a very smart choice <<<< its this

Is there a way to remove a misdemeanor assault charge from someone you had put on them?

Depends on what the charge is. Should have been domestic violence. He can call the prosecuting attorney and tell him that he wants it dismissed. They might or might not do that.

Is it true if you get kicked hard in the sack or low hangers you can't have kids?

hey im sorry for my language but sue that ***** and go to the doctors for that bro because of shes a ****** soccer player that must of hurt im sorry for ya bro :(

Any advice for a girl that is jealous of her cousin?

Wow. Your family sounds ****** up. I think you should find friends how have no idea who Valentina is. You can have a fresh start. Also your only 4 years away from adulthood, you can start planning to get the hell out of there, I no I would.

Bulimia or any eating disorder stories? Ten points!!?

I suffered from anorexia for all of my late teens and most of my twenties. I have no desire to go into all the details because the most important thing is that I recovered. You are not "a terrible anorexic". Anorexia isn't something you try hard at or try to get better at. You are just not anorexic. This doesn't make your suffering any less. Look at what you have just written. Is that any way to live? Where has this illness got you in the past two years? Whilst you are starving and binging and vomiting and thinking about food, your life is carrying on without you. Don't make the same mistake I did and realise that I had missed out on the best years of my life to an illness that I was able to fight if I chose to. Somebody with terminal cancer has no control over their illness. Someone with an eating disorder has the option to fight it and I suggest you get help today and start fighting towards a healthy and happy future. The alternative is that you wake up one day and realise you are lonely, infertile and have failed to achieve the things you wanted to in life. Good luck.

Help with two board games from the 90's?

Okay, I remember playing these games when I was little around 6-7 years old. One of them was a cliff hanging game where the hangers had these rubber arms. You would hang them on the cliff and slowly gather stuff like rocks and vultures into their backpacks and the first one to fall lost (obviously) Now, the second one I am a bit more hazy on. I remember that it used a substance like Play-Doh and I thought it had to do with Slime or a Factory or something, but I honestly am drawing a complete blank on that one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Trouble with my mam please help me?:(?

ok my mam is really protective and im just so sick of it :/ kids in my street are allowed outside at like half 10 and they're only like 12 year olds. i'm nearly sixteen! she dpesn't let me go anywhere and rings me constantly when i do. I'll admit that i am very cheeky but i do alot for her around the house and im constantly mindin my sisters. we're in the middle of a row now over it and i'm just sick of fighting but it feels like her and my dad are just ganging up on me :( like anything i do is wrong, i've spent the last four nights crying myself to sleep over it, please help. and no answers saying ''she just cares for you'' it won't help.

What happen to Mitch Hewer the celebrity in the UK?

I recently watched Skins and I found Maxxie really cute and so I started wanting watch more of this actor and found that there is only a few movies he has stared in so Does Anyone Know If Mitch Hewer Is Getting any work lately because ever since 2010 he has stopped starring in movie and shows so Does anyone have any updates

Need help naming a character!!!!!!?

I'm trying to write this short story about this teenage boy who's a serial killer. Kinda like Scream, but he actually hides the bodies and stuff. Anyway, I can't think of a name for him. I want something that sounds cool like Tyler Durden (Fight Club) or Mitch Valentine. Not something plain John Smith or Hank Hill. But I also want it to sound believable, not like Zyler Freedledink or Grivus McSatchel. Help me out.

Can you be pregnant and have a period and a negative test?

I know it's not a period but i'm bleeding and i missed a period and have had one again but my stomach stays hard all the time, i feel sick alot and i have taken two test thatt have both come back negative but i feel as though i am and from what i've read most people say a woman knows her body. I'm only sixteen and scared please help.

Has anyone ever tried having this dream? or, i'm not really sure if its a dream or not...?

I think you should talk to your Pastor or church member. It sounds like a demon is holding onto you. Get some help! (Not joking!)

Friday, July 15, 2011

What should I ask for for my birthday?

My birthday is tomorrow and I don't know what to ask for, one of my brothers got a new itouch for his birthday and another got an iphone, I have no need for either of these because i have a phone and an ipod. Since I'm turning sixteen (and a car is out of the question) I thought I might try my luck asking for something over $20

One life to live trivia?

Um, Mitch hasn't been on the show in a loooooong time. He may be coming back. that would make sense to me if the current Todd was really walker Lawrence (Mitch's brother) like they said he was when he first was on the show. There is no KKK story line going on. Cole is in prison and Hanna has been off the show for a while. She's in St Annes. Tina may be coming back to Landview but we don't know what's going to happen yet. Adriana is off the show - there's not even a S/L with her anymore. Nobody knows what's on that DVD yet. It's probably proof that the current Todd is not really todd and that RH is Todd who was being held - maybe by Mitch Lawrence and Thomas is somehow involved.

Why wasen't doctor who on yesterday?

I was really looking forward to seeing doctor who yesterday after that cliff hanger but it wasn't on and i didn't know it wouldn't be do you know why, and do you know if it will be on next week? thanks

Names and Ideas Please for Fantasy story?

You've got some good ideas going for you. Everything sounds good, not too cheesy or anything. I think you're doing good, keep it up.

Hanging Polo Shirts in Closet?

I have a ton of polo shirts and hang them up in my closet on wood hangers. Creases have developed on some of them and I know it's mostly from the wash/dry but I did some searching to see if the way I was hanging them was contributing...they get pretty pushed together most of the time. I was already keeping the collar up while wash/dry and keeping them buttoned all way up while wash/dry and while hanging, the other thing they said was to pop the collar while they're hanging? I haven't tried it yet, but it seems like that's going to bend the collar even more? Thoughts?

I am having a sweet sixteen nyc theme?

i do not have a huge budget. i only have 150 dollars to work with. the party will be in my huge back yard. the budget does not include food or drinks. any ideas on what cool decorations or anything that could make my party awesome. the theme is nyc btw

Why are Conservatives so resentful when we give good advice on how to find a winning candidate?

I think we big dogs do our neighborly best but still Conservatives cling to their Sarah Palin, Mitch Daniels and Hermann Cain.I think they are prejudiced against us.

Can guys have sixteenth birthday parties?

Not sweet sixteen parties, just a party for their sixteenth birthday with friends, food, and fun times

What does this mean??? Help helPpp?

Jason may have been upset that Mitch asked you about it. Perhaps Mitch decided he shouldn't have taken upon himself to ask you about Jason. He may have felt that you weren't interested because you didn't respond immediately.

Now that Mitch Daniels is out, when will Pawlenty officially enter the presidential race?

According to his Website, Pawlenty will make an announcement on Monday, May 23, 2011 to announce his bid for the presidency. The announcement also states that he will withdraw from consideration some time in June, when Gingrich is scheduled to give a speech stating that Pawlenty is not a viable candidate.

I'm so depressed, what can I do? Life doesn't matter anymore!?

It might be worth mentioning that my friend took piano lessons at a young age and to this day only knows one song. It wouldn't have automatically made you a great pianist to have had lessons, and besides, what parent wants to blow their money on music lessons for a mere toddler? No reason to hold resentment against your own mom and dad. At all. And it's still possible that with dedication and practise, you will still be able to learn to play piano.

Recommend some good books/authors?

Book by Darren Shan. They're filled with horror, magic, demons in one series, supernatural and epic adventures. You won't be disappointed. ^__^ Check out the link below and maybe read a few chapters and the review below.

Should i play the "my bf broke up with me card"?

No of course not, and maybe he doesn't have a phone or something. Don't play cheap cards for someone to like you, that's not right. If you guys belong together it'll happen, and if you don't maybe you just aren't meant to be. But always be yourself, don't lie to yourself or cheat just for ONE guy.

What should i buy for my bestfriends sweet sixteen?

I'm a girl and I'm trying to find the perfect gift for my best friend which is a guy. I already bought him and really nice engraved picture frame two years ago. So any ideas?

Why Are Republican Politicans always Frowning, and come across so Gloomy and depressed?

And Nobody cares if you think it's because they have to deal with democrats. Their Politican's. Not Cry babies. If they can't deal with Democrats or if doing so makes them sad, maybe they should move to a dictatorship area, Like Israel, where everything moving is republican. This is not a 1 party system. And why the hell is Mitch McConnell constantly scowling? Whats up with that never ending frown on Boehners face my god what the hell, these people are leaders of the free world, nobody is forcing them to do anything. If they want out they can just 86 it like Sarah Palin did and sign a contract with Fox News. Probably make double the cash huh? Why can't Mitch McConnell and Boehner stop with the Frowning?/

Summer reading project help!?

i have never read any of those, but i think the best thing to do would be to start with the most difficult read, usually the longest of the books, and go from difficult/long - easiest/shortest

Please help me. I don't know what kind of mental illness this is? Help!?

Okay. This is about my mom. I shouldn't put this out here but I need to know what illness this is. We tried the doctors but nada, they just tell us "Mental illness". They have not helped at all, they said nothing. My mom is 35 now and she does many things that don't make sense. If you tell her something she does the opposite. My mom has always been like that, and this time shes really making me go nuts.I think she has some kind of depression and mental illness. When she gets in trouble she won't look at you in the eye. She shifts her eyes. She done so many things that doesn't make sense. I think she even enjoys it when people get mad at her. Maybe because she gets attention? Even my grandma told me something of what she did when she was little. She told me that when she was little she hid behind hangers in the shopping store, and my grandma said she was looking for her and she popped out saying "Hehe you didn't see me!" and she was laughing while being scolded. She did something so similar just so recently. All of a sudden she disapeared and I was scared. I looked everywhere in the house. 20 minutes. After ten minutes i gave up and thought she took a walk. Me and my grandma were worried for 20 minutes. Then all of a sudden she pops out of her closet laughing and saying "Haha you couldn't find me" and we were yelling at her and she had a smile across her face. And she is insecure about her weight and unfortunatley me. She gained weight and she might have a weight disorder. I know that before she used to have bulimia. But shes really short [ 4"9 ] and shes 91 and it doesnt sound much but she looks big for her size.She complains about it and eats more and more and more. Shes insecure about me. Im at my families house and she calls me and says the same thing over and over again to keep me on the line. Please. If you know ANY of these please. HELP!