Sunday, July 17, 2011

How come my boyfriened doesn't wanna go on dates?

He just turned 16 in Januray and i'm turning 16 next Thursday. All we ever do is sit in the couch & talk and we spent the whole time complaining of boredom and debating on what we should do, I always beg him & he's like no. We only went on two dates in October and to the movies three weeks ago for our 7th monthsary. I begged him to go to my birthday party to a waterpark because i'm having conflicts (talking behind my back) with my cousin and her friends and her boyfriend are coming as well as its her party too. I don't wanna feel left out and not have fun. So i wanna bring some of my friends and my boyfriend too. But the whole reason why doesn't wanna go is because he always do stuff with and for me but i never wanna do anything for me or do what he wanna do. He says how everything is always about me. But its not. I wanna do the things he wanna do. But most of it is because all about intamaicy. I don't feel comfortable with that.He also said he doesn't completely trust me with his heart.So than i broke up with him and than he pleaded me he wants to work everything out & than i agreed to get back with him minutes later. The reason why i tried to break up with him because we have lack of communication, he doesn't trust me, he never wants to go on dates and it fustratstes to me to no end. I hate how he thinks that everything has to be about me. But it isn't. Most of the things he wants me to do is that i feel uncomfortable. I tried to get him to open up about his feelings, thoughts, dreams, fears, past and future. He told me that i never want to talk and that i'm always quiet. We never have nothing good to say cuz we don't hang out in school and i don't know half of the people he hangs out with. He also wants to know everything about me. My past and future. When we went out to a movie, he refused to hold my hand or kiss in public so i kept hitting him with my purse in hanger. I just wish we could be a normal couple, go out to dates, act like we're best friends & kiss & hold hands in public & be able to communicate well. I want a REAL relationship where its not just sitting in the couch, complaning that we're bored and debating on what we should, me begging to go on a date, him pressuring me to do stuff that i feel very uncomfortable with. He's a great guy and i love him. ): i just wish we were a normal couple that goes out and normal things together and just basically have a good time.

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