Friday, July 22, 2011

Do i have OCD or something?

I'm not sure if i have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) or something else because i have strange symptoms that relate to OCD but they are a little different. When i walk on sidewalks and i notice the cracks in them i either have to take one step in the square sidewalk, step over the crack and then step once in the next box and so on, if i do it wrong i get a little irritated, when i walk on big tiles and i notice it i have to walk on certain color of tile that appeals to me. When i clean (i hardly do but when i do) everything has to be so perfect, my room is a huge mess but when i get around to cleaning i have to have books in alphabetical order, clothes facing the same direction on the hangers and in color patterns, things just have to be perfect, but then i get tired of cleaning and stop so nothing ever gets clean because it has to be perfect and i dont have the energy to make it perfect. Does this sound like OCD or something else?

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