Saturday, July 23, 2011

Is this child abuse???

ok so my mom is crazy, she puts me on time out instead of grounding me and im 12. except the crazy thing is that its ATLEAST 2 hours! when i was real young she used to wack me with a belt or a hanger when i was bad but when i was 9 she stopped and instead put me on like 5 hour timeouts, probaly atleast 3 times a month , USUALLY more! but when i say timeout i mean she leaves me outside of the house with nothing (sometimes i sneak my skateboard out) and i have the freedom to walk anywhere i want. its usually for really stupid reasons too, like if my posture is bad, if i break a crayon, if i use too much paper towels, if i squeeze out i little too much paint on accident. shes very chineese and cheap and she neevr waistes anything, and even when i accidentaly break a pencil she has a tuntrum. she favorites my brother, she only does this kinda stuff to him like twice a year and its never as worse. it dosnt seem like shes trying to help me become a better person. she says she dosnt want to see my face. i am sooo mad like she cant do this to me, i have 911 on my speed dial list. is this child abuse??? oh and sometimes she threatens to chop of my hands (she never does it)

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