Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dreamed i had a daughter?

alright im a guy so i had this dream i remember bits and pieces of it but some of the other stuff is scratchy but all try and start from the beginning i remember i was trying to get my wife and daughter who in this point in time was a baby to safety i distinctively remember calling her hailey i remember my wife was one of my best-friends i used to like and in my dream i felt a hatred for her like i was angry at her but that's not the part that im attached to so anyways i got them to safety but still something happened this is the part that i don't really remember all i really remember is the next part im walking up to the front yard were hailey and my wife are and hailey is about four or five she was very cute and she had some of my features but none of my wife's my best-friend and me have black hair and brown eyes but hailey had blonde hair and brown eyes i remember being there for her the emotions i felt for her were intense extreme protectiveness i loved her more then anything in this world as a daughter and i feel like shes real somehow but me my friend and hailey were walking on a beach and this big helicopter pulled down i remember the fear in Hailey's eyes they took them away another two years went by and i was with my step-dad and his brother i remember being in this thing that was above ground long story short my step-dads brother jumped out of this plane thing and got seriously injured so we bring him to a scientist research business slash hospital to get healed so we were on are way to the room he was in and i run in to this business lady and she was one of the the ones that took hailey so i attack her and grab her phone and got out of there i was just about to find were hailey was and the i woke up when i woke up i felt sad that i couldn't save her and that i couldn't see her at least one last time can anyone tell me what this dream means oh and im sixteen i would appreciate it.

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