Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why did I have this dream?

Ok well this morning/last night I had a really weird dream, it started with me being at the libary with my schools libarian Mrs. Smith. And I was renting this awesome book about star wars or something, and then I left and my mom drove me to this place that looked like the therapy office in mizzou. Then the rest got really crazy, I got outside of the building with my cousions javante and jamon and it turned out we were on top of a space ship, we looked like we were in star fox. Then My cousions fell of the ship and I found a little mini ship to go catch them, Then when I thought all hope was gone My uncle, Uncle jason came and he was flying and he came and catched them and brought them up, then he gave me the power to fly just like him and we flew into a intergalactic space hanger. Inside of the hanger was a slide that reminded me of when I was in the happy place or whatever at mc Donalds, just there was dominos all over the slide. I slid down the slide with my cousins and my uncle and we walked down all these tubes then we were back and my dad said "Everytime I went to the bathroom a raido said "you know who else likes saws?" Then i woke up. Why did I have that dream? I mean thats not the first time I dreamt of a video game, ounce I dreamt of baloon tower defence three. And also on this site people say that if you dream of someone there thinking of you??? I dreamed of 3 people and also what is it if you dream of a video game?

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