Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bulimia or any eating disorder stories? Ten points!!?

I suffered from anorexia for all of my late teens and most of my twenties. I have no desire to go into all the details because the most important thing is that I recovered. You are not "a terrible anorexic". Anorexia isn't something you try hard at or try to get better at. You are just not anorexic. This doesn't make your suffering any less. Look at what you have just written. Is that any way to live? Where has this illness got you in the past two years? Whilst you are starving and binging and vomiting and thinking about food, your life is carrying on without you. Don't make the same mistake I did and realise that I had missed out on the best years of my life to an illness that I was able to fight if I chose to. Somebody with terminal cancer has no control over their illness. Someone with an eating disorder has the option to fight it and I suggest you get help today and start fighting towards a healthy and happy future. The alternative is that you wake up one day and realise you are lonely, infertile and have failed to achieve the things you wanted to in life. Good luck.

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