Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My cat is obsessed with clothing.?

My year old cat started bringing my mom's underwear, socks, bras, and workout clothing into my room and leaving it on the bed for me to find. I'm in the basement and my mom is on the second story and so it's a lot of effort on kiki's (my cat) part to dig through her closet and drag all these items down two flights of stairs. I thought it was cute because i know she's just trying to please me so i always would praise her and honestly it was hilarious. Then she started dragging all my clothing off the shelves from my closet and putting it on my bed, so i bought drawers she couldnt get into. Then once i bought the drawers, she started to scale the side of my closet literally grab a hanger with her paw, put the clothing in her mouth and drag it all the way down to my bed. Now shes been attacking the hangers and im finding my clothing everywhere... i cant even wash my clothes and hang them up because shes so quick to rip them down and drag them everywhere. I cant put a door on my closet it's just not made to have one, i try to keep my door closed to my room when im not home (because she wont do it in front of me) but i have a big family and even with locks doors are broken into.... Ive tried to block her off with different things but she is so determined... I dont understand this behavior... what can i do to train her to leave my closet / clothing alone?

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